======Chimera====== Chimerae are primal Manifestations with a natural theme. They typically have animal-like forms, though they may also have elemental or plant-like aspects as well. Their Primary Attribute is a behavioural Instinct. Their Secondary Attributes are their Grasp by which they interact with the world, their Coat which protects them, and their Crest which is an outward display of their nature. =====Primary Attribute: Instinct===== Chimerae’s primary Attribute is their **Instinct**. It represents an innate compulsion that they have when interacting with the world and others. Sometimes it serves them well, giving them deeper insight or a chance to react before others; other times it’s less than helpful, a gut feeling leading them astray, or a tendency towards a course of action inappropriate to the circumstances. Instincts describe a behaviour the Chimera often engages in. The advantage is that they are typically very good at what they do most often; the disadvantage comes from applying that same behaviour in an inappropriate situation, or discomfort when unable to engage with it properly. Examples: **A Fighting Instinct**\\ Advantage: skilled at close-quarters combat\\ Disadvantage: can never back down from a challenge\\ **A Desire to Make Friends**\\ Advantage: good at charming people and talking them round to your side\\ Disadvantage: unable to work alone\\ **An Intense Curiosity**\\ Advantage: exceptionally good at picking up on clues relevant to a current investigation\\ Disadvantage: a tendency to be sidetracked, especially when waiting or idle\\ **A Restless Impatience**\\ Advantage: always first to act when something unexpected happens\\ Disadvantage: often jumps into potentially dangerous situations without due caution\\ =====Secondary Attributes===== ====Grasp==== {{ :francesco-ungaro-ce3cg_hzshm-unsplash.jpg?nolink&400|}} A Chimera’s Grasp is the primary means by which it physically interacts with the world. Chimerae are very physical entities which prefer to work directly with their hands (or equivalents) rather than with tools. Their Grasp - such as claws, paws or talons - is thus suited to a broad class of activity. The Grasp generally refers to some form of hand or similar appendage found in nature, and describe its strengths with one or two adjectives. They have a physical effect, but this includes elemental aspects such as fire, lightning, ice, etc. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * Searing, Fiery Talons //can set things alight and even melt through metal// * Steady, Dexterous Paws //can manipulate delicate objects with great care// * Powerful, Earthen Hooves //can carry heavy loads with ease// * Coiling, Snaring Roots //grapple and bind with great strength// * Adorable, Fuzzy Toe-Beans //are just the cutest, oh yes they are// ====Coat==== A Chimera’s Coat is what covers almost its entire body, and keeps it safe and comfortable. It generally protects against direct physical effects or hazards, be that by resistance or evasion. A Coat is designed to resist some kind of physical effect. It should include both what kind of material it is made of as well as an adjective which emphasises or clarifies its advantage. It is usually made of something natural and/or organic. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * A Coat of Purifying Water //nullifies toxins and harmful chemicals// * A Coat of Unflinching Chitin //deflects powerful physical blows// * A Coat of Luxurious Fur //is always impeccably clean// * A Coat of Chameleonic Fungus //lets you blend in with your surroundings and avoid scrutiny// ====Crest==== {{ :christina-rumpf-prd-hvksupg-unsplash.jpg?nolink&400|}} A Chimera’s Crest is an outward symbol of its power, an impressive and showy feature, usually extending from its head, signalling its strength and majesty, social grace, or feral ferocity. A Crest describes something about how the Chimera interacts with others - both their approach and the impression it gives. Though always present, utilising the effects of the Crest means backing it up with words and actions. It should generally be based on something natural, usually a striking aspect of an animal or plant. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * A Crest of Royal Antlers //conveys their strength in leadership, and can be used to command respect// * A Crest of Iridescent Feathers //is a sign of their social graces; it can be used to impress and attracts attention// * A Crest of Fruit-Bearing Branches //can put others at ease; the fruit often given as a token friendship// * A Crest of Twisted Spines //displays their ferocity, and their ability to intimidate and unsettle others//