======Implement====== Implements are humanoid beings with objects in place of conventional heads. While the flavour of their Attributes may seem less flashy than those of other Manifestations, their subtle and exacting approach typically makes them //very// good at what they do. Their Primary Attribute is an object which they have in place of a head. Their Secondary Attributes are their Paraphernalia, which they always have to hand, their Raiment, which suits the work they do, and their Profession, which represents their learned expertise. =====Primary Attribute: Head===== An Implement's primary Attribute describes the form of their **Head**. While the Implement’s Head won’t necessarily work as a fully functional version of that object, it does describe an affinity for a particular task associated with that object while being unsuited to others. The object can be just about any inanimate object - usually, though not always, something artificial. The advantage is a very specific expertise. The disadvantage can be either a (meta)physical limitation based on the fact that your Head is literally the described object, or a too-strong reliance on that expertise. Examples: **Sledgehammer Head**\\ Advantage: aptitude for manual demolition work\\ Disadvantage: a tendency to break things, accidentally or otherwise\\ **Pocketwatch Head**\\ Advantage: an expert at making clockwork mechanisms\\ Disadvantage: strong knocks to your Head may send you forwards or backwards in time\\ **Rosebush Head**\\ Advantage: expert gardener\\ Disadvantage: cannot stay in dark places for too long\\ **Tiny Moon Head**\\ Advantage: great at physically pulling objects\\ Disadvantage: you occasionally get caught in the orbit of larger objects\\ =====Secondary Attributes===== ====Paraphernalia==== {{ :tools-498202_1920.jpg?nolink&400|}} An Implement’s Paraphernalia is a set of tools or supplies to which it always have access. While it is not strictly a part of its body, it is a part of who they //are//, and thus, unlike a regular object, it cannot simply be lost, or given/taken away. This can be just about any tool or otherwise useful item. It can be used in the ways that would be expected of an exceptionally good version of that item. It should be relatively simple and must be able to be carried by one person. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * A Set of Cleaning Supplies //leave any surface spotless// * Trusty Lockpicks //can open almost any lock, given time// * A Battered Crowbar //can break things open - quickly, if not silently// * Tins of Paint //which never run out and are always exactly the right colour// ====Raiment==== An Implement’s Raiment is more than just clothes. It allows it to act more efficiently in relevant situations, perhaps providing some protection, but more often offering utility. Fairly straightforwardly, this can be any type of clothing. You should justify when and how it is useful. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * A Sharp Business Suit //inspires confidence when arranging business transactions// * Heavy Outdoors Gear //is weather-proof, and helps you move in difficult terrain// * Rugged Denim Overalls //are perfect for manual labour and protection from workplace accidents// * An Inconspicuous Paper Bag //helps you stay anonymous// ====Profession==== {{ :sparks-692122_1920.jpg?nolink&400|}} An Implement’s Profession represents training and expertise in a general area. It is its calling, rather than literally the job it happens to be doing at the current moment. What an Entity actually does in its homeplane may be very esoteric or metaphysical; this simplifies that into more mundane terms. For example, an Implement who maintains the laws of quantum mechanics could be simply a Mechanic. An Implement who balances the Book of the Dead and oversees the flow of life on its world could be an Accountant. It should be relatively generic, as it covers a broad range of training and expertise to be applicable in a wider range of situations. Choose one of the following, or define your own: * A Soldier //knows combat tactics and how to outmanoeuvre the enemy// * A Mechanic //understands complex physical systems and how to fix them// * A Bodyguard //knows how to keep people safe and unharmed// * An Accountant //understands bookkeeping and has an eye for detail when it comes to written records//