IC Pronouns: he/she/they/it
Employee or Customer: Customer
Email: uqqurt-sen@emporium.oxfordrpg.com
Uqqurt-sen is an imposing highly angular vaguely humanoid figure of an odd shiny white glowing substance, with wings made of shards of floating glittering crystal that are confusing to look at. Their head has six eyes of tiny galaxies but no other features, with a silver hexagon orbiting their head. They are wearing a robe of flowing dark blue liquid with moving symbols. Standing next to them is a small creature in a ordinary dirty grey cloth robe that looks like a cross between a dog and a kangeroo, leaning on a stick.
Known to be a deity from the fabled, if strange, Manyworlds of Mung. Austere and formal, Uqqurt-sen seems like an entity on a mission.