Table of Contents

Conduct and Themes

Basic Information

While Emporium is a game centred on mystery and exploration, we are keen to ensure that players have an OC (out of character) understanding of the themes that may occur in game and those that are unacceptable within Emporium. To ensure that everyone feels OC safe and comfortable when playing the game, and to comply to our obligations as an official Oxford University Role Playing Game Society game, Emporium has a Conduct & Themes Policy, which is designed to inform you of acceptable conduct when playing the game, as well as potentially sensitive themes that may occur.

All society games, and hence Emporium, must at minimum adhere to the society's Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy, and it is expected that all players and GMs will be familiar with this policy when playing Emporium. This page details our expansion of these rules and clarifications of what they mean in the context of Emporium. When in and out of character, all players and GMs are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner toward all other players and GMs and in accordance with the Society's Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy, as well as the University policies mentioned within it.

We ask that above all, players and GMs uphold a supportive and respectful environment where participants can feel comfortable discussing sensitive themes both in and out of character. The spirit of the policy is always more authoritative than the exact wording, and so legalistic attempts to defend breaches of acceptable behaviour will be interpreted as being in bad faith and will not be accepted.

Minimum Age

You must be 16 or over to take part in the game. Anyone under the age of 18 submitting a character form to Emporium is required to declare the fact that they are a minor in their application so that GMs are able to safeguard them appropriately.

Photographs, Artwork and Fanfic

It is important to have someone's consent before writing fanfic or making artwork involving their character or NPC. If you wish to draw artwork or write fanfic featuring another character or NPC, please ask the character's player or the relevant GM whether they would be alright with that, and you should give them a heads up as to the type of artwork or fanfic that you plan on creating. If they say they're not okay with it, you must respect their decision.

Given that this is a Discord game with no video element, photographs of the players will not be requested by GMs and will not be taken during sessions.

Safety Calls and Avoidance Requests

A list of OC safety calls that may be used during Emporium can be found here. You can use these to make requests for other participants to adjust their behaviour and/or the themes they are roleplaying if you feel uncomfortable at any point during the game, and these requests must be respected. If you have concerns about behaviour during the game that you do not wish to raise publicly, please do contact the GM team and we will do our best to help.

You may request not to roleplay with another player or GM before or at any point during the game, and we will do our best to ensure that you come into contact with that person as little as possible. You may ask us to inform that person of your request or you may keep your request confidential, though keeping the request confidential will prevent us from asking that person not to roleplay with you during the course of the game.

If another player makes you uncomfortable, please bring the matter to the GM team via email, which will be seen by all GMs. If a GM makes you uncomfortable and you wish to discuss it confidentially, then please contact the head GM Sophia via this address. If the head GM makes you uncomfortable then concerns should be raised with the Society President, whose contact details can be found here.

Potentially Sensitive Themes That May Occur

This section deals with potentially upsetting themes which may be present in the game. If you wish to play Emporium but have concerns about one of these themes, please get in touch to talk about your concerns or for any questions you may have.

It is expected that these subjects are treated in an appropriate manner and within the constraints listed here. Please keep in mind that these subjects should always be handled sensitively due to the potential real-life experiences of other players or GMs, and that any themes which require the explicit OC consent of another player are not introduced without this consent.

List of Themes

Avoiding Phobias or Other Uncomfortable Themes

The character creation process for Emporium involves disclosing any phobias players may have so as to ensure that these will not be visible to them in-game. Themes of horror will be present in-game for players who have chosen the Horror playstyle Quirk, but as GMs we are very keen to avoid such content where other players may accidentally come across it, and ask players to use content warnings attached to spoiler text in Discord channels when discussing content which may be upsetting to other players.

If you think of any further phobias or themes that make you uncomfortable that you have not disclosed during character creation, please feel free to let us know at any time so that we can make sure you avoid them to the best of our ability - for example, by avoiding these themes in excursions or turnsheet responses that you receive, and by moderating discussion of these themes by other players.

Forbidden Themes

The following themes will not be present in Emporium. They must not be portrayed, mentioned or alluded to by players or GMs at any point during the game.

Please note that the first four themes should be given extra consideration due to their severity.