Table of Contents


Who We Are, and Who We Will Be

You are upon the stage once more. Before you are your people, descendents of your creators. They look up at you, in amazement, in awe, in contemplation. Their hopes and dreams are the strings that hold you, the strings that sustain you. So perhaps, in some sense, what you wish to say today is also what they themselves secretly hope and dream about, even though they do not yet know this.

A mask is more than something that hides. In Emporium, you have seen replicas of some distant plane’s ritual masks. The masks all hold a microphone within, so that the actors on stage may project their voices to the furthest audience. The mask channels. The mask gives shape to the voice beneath.

So you speak.

“We Who Are, it is an honour and a pleasure to speak before you once more. I am The Mask of All-Dreaming-Together, Who Faces the Void and Smiles. I am Mask. I am created to embody the philosophy of collective dreaming. This is a beautiful aspiration I have chosen to embody. I am one of you.”

You speak of what you have seen in Emporium, what you have learned and experienced. You speak of the dangers of labour and the lure of Fisher’s ways, but also the positive possibilities in voluntary work and aiding others by one’s own will. You point to Endless Spring and the tragic war he waged and argue for peaceful conversion of the We Who Are what have lost their ways. You have seen violent conflicts; you have all seen violent conflicts. That is not the way. The wise learn from others’ mistakes. The We Who Are inherit the Stream of ages past - you may all learn, you will all learn. And at last you announce your decision to continue your seasonal journeys, your plans to work at Emporium every other season to support the Chittering Stream’s soul economy. You ask the We Who Are to always remember your existence as a willing friend, even when you are away as a distant, dream-like force. You abilities may be greater, your impact long-lasting and significant, but there is not qualitative difference between what you do and what any of the We Who Are can choose to do: help, because it is right.

“Henceforth, let The We Who Are truly dream together - starting from understanding each other’s dreams. Not as petitioners and gods, servants and masters, machines and creators, but as friends and equals.”

You raise up the little marionette you received from Nightmare’s realm and carefully place a soul into its amethyst soul cavity. Holding its strings, you give support to its first movements as it stirs and looks around.

“Let us welcome the latest member of The We Who Are. Let us tell each of our stories and hear its thoughts in turn. Let us learn who we are, and who we could be.”

As your speech draws to a close, you introduce yearning to those that are not gathered around the marionette who has yet to choose a name. Its dark shape is striking in contrast to the colourful festive decorations all around you, but The We Who Are appear to be drawn towards them exactly because of that. The yearning is a painful yet inspirational thing they understand all too well - just as you do. They look upon yearning with fear and awe, with incomprehension and instinctive understanding. And yearning speaks to them in images and sounds, sensations and memories, of longing, of hope and despair, of comfort, of what can never be reached, yet is sweet to pursue.

Change is in the air, in the chittering sounds, in the reflections of your people in the endless stream. You can already feel the emotional, mystical, and existential strings around you loosen. Not a god, not a servant, not a machine… You are given rein to be more yourself, dream your own dreams - so that you can better be a true member of the We Who Are. This is what you have chosen. This is change you have brought. You hope it is right. You hope it will bring you all closer to your collective dreams. You cannot be certain. You have only hope - but hope you know well. It is what you were created for, it is what you have chosen to embody. You will face the void, and smile.

At the furthest back of the festive crowd, you spot a now familiar figure. The same gently swinging light, the same curiosity, the same indecipherable smile, Fishing, Trading, Reigning. Lord. A powerful enemy, an odd rival, an inescapable shadow. He gives you a nod in recognition and disappears once more into the crowd.

Another Day On The Job

“You are on promotion shift. It’s pretty freeform. I recommend having a look around Emporium first, starting from the Showcase. That’ll give you a sense of what’s on offer this season and even better,” Mask is smiling as they always are, but there is a tangible warmth in their voice, “you’re sure to find many objects of beauty.”

Seeps nods slowly, its new employee vest hanging weirdly off its swirling shape. It’s closely fitted, somehow. Doesn’t change the fact it’s weird.

“Did you read the brief for this season’s promotional theme?”

Yes… ‘Stirring’. Animals wake, insects stir, stones hatch, prophecies come true. Movement begins as the wheel of time turns…

“Very good! You’re ready for the job. Don’t worry, if you have any questions, come find me in the Empty Vessel. Otherwise, see you at first break?” Emporium has introduced more breaks for the employees last seasonal cycle, as part of a series of reforms.

Before the two part ways, they are interrupted by a thin and breathy voice. “Hello there… are you employees? We are… we are looking for something.”

The two turn. Mask nods encouragingly at Seeps, who moves forward a little and attempt to dp a friendly but official voice: “Hello, welcome to Emporium. We have everything you want. How may we help you today?

The customer is a long and slender Chimera, whose shadow moves separately to its movements. “Ah… that is good… good. We are… we are looking for memories… Memories we didn’t have.”

Not as common as “I’m looking for cake” or “I’m here to get a weapon to kill another god”, but not too extraordinary either. Seeps asks a few questions, trying to get the Chimera to clarify. Does it mean other people’s memories? No, it emphasises it must be memories it (or they, whoever they are) didn’t have. Is this to do with Absences again, did it remove something important from its world? No, not that it knows of. Alternative timelines, is the memories it’s looking for something the alternative versions of it have but it doesn’t? Maybe, the customer looks confused.

“We will try our best to help you,” Mask ensures the Chimera, “maybe what you are looking for will become clearer once the search begins.”

Yes… Please rest assured that we will do everything within our abilities to help you find these memories. We are… we at Emporium are experienced in dealing with such matters.

Mask and Seeps make the decision to prioritise this customer’s shopping experience and together they guide the customer towards Dreamers’ Lodge. They are not exactly surprised to find yearning there as well. The old friends greet each other and also introduce themselves to the Chimera, who seems somewhat surprised by the friendly gesture.

“We might be dreaming together soon. It is only right to know each other before doing so.” Mask’s smile is comforting enough for the customer to accept this. And indeed soon, the mixed group of customers and employees fall asleep in their separate pods, and find themselves within Emporium’s otherside.

Just like in the old days, but with new friends. Just another day on the job.

Employee Review

Employee Name: Mask

Job Title: Standard Employee

Current Performance:
The employee has demonstrated astonishing consistency in their preferred shift option and has as a result become highly proficient in fulfilling the duties of serving at the Empty Vessel. The BeanJuice™ they make is so good it has since been trademarked by Emporium. They show good initiative in helping customers with their problems. However, their expertise lies more in the area of solving non-real or at least non-physical problems. This is not to undermine the importance of those skills however, especially since Nightmare's Nightmare (ugh) opened. The presence of this employee has significantly reduced the amount of work Customer Service might otherwise get, to which Empathy is “exceedingly grateful for the intervention”. Additionally, the employee has shown remarkable talent in mentoring employees new to the job. The “non-dream training programme” they have created during their third cycle in Emporium has received much positive feedback. It should be noted that the training programme can only be attended by those that can sleep, a downside that at the moment we have no way of remedying other than having the employee themself be present. The Undertailors have expressed interest in creating a replica of the employee's Wings and Aura, which is a feasible idea.

Co-workers' Comments:
Mask is a very good friend… and a very patient mentor. They have taught me a lot about how to work at Emporium without sinking into existential angst… This is invaluable knowledge that I intend to pass on to our valued employees and customers…” - Seeps
“Ace of Pentacles… Hm, someone's due for a promotion! Or maybe a change in career. I wonder which.” - Felix888
“There are so many songs following them… The songs are nice, but also heavy… Oh, you wanted to ask about Mask? Mask is very nice. There are always more customers visiting the Empty Vessel and Dreamers' Lodge when they are around.” - Alaiveazhe, Daughter of the Song, She Who Fails

Due for a promotion. Considering their expertise and experience in dealing with unreality, communication with extraordinary beings, and that they are basically in charge of the Empty Vessel anyway, putting them in charge of the Empty Vessel, Homeplane Display and Storage Area, and the Dreamers' Lodge is a natural development.

Other Areas of Discussion:
Mask is one of the oldest employees currently in Emporium, but we do not currently have a means to reflect this due to their odd bi-seasonal? bicycle??? work structure. Get the naming department to fix this.