Table of Contents


A key theme of Emporium is exploration; of wandering through a cavernous superstore, sifting through the dizzying output of a consumerist culture, and repurposing and finding meaning in things. This is something that is difficult to capture in a normal Society game format, either in uptime or downtime!

As such, the Emporium GM team will be including a system of Excursions in the game. Like linears in other games (such as Sanctum, Voyager-47 and Romancing the Toaster), these are small group activities and adventures ran by a single GM, a little like a tabletop game. The GM describes your surroundings and the actions of NPCs via text and you and your fellow player characters can respond to them, or carry out your own dastardly schemes. Excursions are opportunities to creatively overcome obstacles while exploring, engage in contested RP against NPCs (and sometimes PCs!) seeking to block your path, or carry out actions where the ability to rapidly respond to rapidly changing environments is important.

Excursion Mechanics

Excursions can either be NPC-initiated or player-initiated. On some occasions, NPCs will highlight the possibility for an Excursion, indicating a pressing issue that has emerged - an opportunity to explore a recently discovered wing of the Warehouses, or a spill in Aisle 4 that has somehow become sentient and needs to be extracted and rehomed. These will be clearly announced and highlighted in the week’s news, as well as the Employee Taskboard.

Alternatively, PCs may decide to go on adventures of their own. Define a goal that you’re interested in pursuing or area you want to explore (the more specific the better!), let the GMs know, and saddle up for adventure! Adventures don’t necessarily have to be to a distant location, either - if you want to enact some sort of complex ritual or investigation (or something that might require a similar amount of GM focus), this could be an Excursion too.

When thinking about Excursions you’re interested in, here are a few key considerations.

Excursions are relatively freeform GM-led adventures. For details on how we plan to address conflict resolution, dramatic clashes, and other PvE and PvP content, see the relevant page.

What might you do on an Excursion?

An Excursion could take a wide range of forms! It could involve:

Uptime, Excursions, and downtime - which is which?

Between ‘regular’ uptime, Excursions, and turnsheet actions in downtime, there are a wide range of ways to play Emporium, each with their own advantages. To help you get the most out of your roleplay, here are suggestions about what works best for each format.

The above are only meant as guidelines - plans change, and, as GMs, we will do our best to make sure that everything is fun and exciting for you! If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to contact your GM who can advise on how best to explore or pursue a given plot.