
Malignesuadeii, Scourge of the Realm, Corrupter of Innocents, Destroyer of Peace, Lighter of Fires (AKA Sue)

IC Pronouns: She/They
Employee or Customer: Customer

Malignesuadeii (Sue) is a vaguely humanoid figure with skin like glowing embers, legs that end in clawed bird’s feet and bat-like wings that smoulder gently at the edges. The air around her crackles like the sound of burning wood. When she turns her head to you, her eyes seem like sunken pools that would be all too easy to fall into and her smile is full of sharp pointed teeth. Her movements are stilted and unnatural as she moves to face you. She makes a sound, low and rumbling, before speaking. “Excuse me, if it’s not too much trouble, could you possibly point me in the direction of the arts and crafts section.”

  • bio/sue.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/02 13:00
  • by gm_chris